“My momma told me there’d be days like this”

We’ve all heard it before.

Today was one of those days.

IMG_3022 I start each morning almost exactly the same:

Wake up.

Wash face.

Fix breakfast.

Spend time in my bible/prayer journal.

Pick out outfit.

Do hair.

Put on makeup,

Brush teeth.

Grab bags.

Head to class/work.

We all have our same little systematic routines that we start our mornings off with.

But sometimes, things don’t go quite as planned.


How many of us wake up each morning grumbling about it being too early, too cold, too hot, etc. etc?

 “Gosh, I don’t want to go to class/work.”

“What I would do to sleep in…”

“This test/class is going to stink.”

“My day is going to be never-ending.”

“When can I take a nap?”

 And the list goes on and on…

Before long, these thoughts set the pace and define my attitude for the day ahead.

Just admit it, we all do it.

It seems like an inevitable trap, but what if you committed to starting your mornings a little bit differently..


Those first few moments in the morning are vital to the remainder of your day.

Whether you start yours at 5 AM or a solid 10:30, the same rules still apply.



Remind yourself of the free gift of another day.

Spend time with Jesus.

Give thanks.

Expect wonderful things to happen.

Accept change knowing everything happens for a reason.

Set daily goals.

Challenge yourself.

Don’t sweat the small things.

Plan ahead.

Commit yourself to serving others.

Pledge yourself to giving the day your all.

 And last  but not least, take a deep breath.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4:6-7


Sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest differences.


Sweater: Rodi Boutique

Jeans/Shoes/Necklace: Target

Special thanks to the beautiful Chloe Robinson for being my photographer this week!

Like her page on Facebook here!